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Red Bank Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC)

The purpose of the page is for our staff and students to be able to illustrate the amazing things that are happening at our school!


What is IDAC?
Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC) draws members from parents to represent our school at district level climate assessment/problem-solving meetings. The primary purpose of the Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC), originally formed in 1988 as the Intercultural Advisory Council, is to assist in the formation and review of policies that assure non-discriminatory practices in all operational areas of the Clovis Unified School District. Its further mission is to assist in improving the cultural environment of the District.  Access the Clovis Unified District IDAC page here.

Red Bank will have 5 IDAC meetings this year to continue to build cultural competency.
4 of these meetings will be on-site.
1 of these meetings we will combine and meet with the Clovis High Area to expand our discussions. 

  • Red Bank IDAC    9/17/24 @ RB LMC @ 8:45-9:15 am
  • Clovis Area IDAC 10/15/24 @ RB LMC @ 3:30-4:30 pm  
  • Red Bank IDAC    11/12/24 @ RB Computer Lab @ 8:45-9:15 am
  • Red Bank IDAC    1/28/25 @ RB Computer Lab @ 8:45-9:15 am
  • Clovis Area IDAC  3/18/25 @ Clark @ 3:30-4:30 pm
  • Red Bank IDAC    4/8/25 @ RB LMC @ 8:45-9:15 am


2024-2025 Meeting Minutes & Agendas


IDAC Focus Areas

Smiling children participating in paper activities outside.

Multicultural Education

Promoting Multicultural Education

Red Bank believes in promoting multicultural education into the curriculum and classroom instruction. We strive to develop a school environment that embeds multiculturalism in our literature, art, music, and other aspects exposing our students to a variety of multicultural experiences.  Click on the following link to learn more about our educational resources your student has access to learn. 

Link to Clever


Different children's books lined up together.

The Benchmark curriculum includes texts from Kindergarten to 5th grade that are inclusive and expose students to a variety of perspectives.

Embracing Many Cultures

A collage of photos with a message written in the middle.

Our Librarian, April Lencioni, introduces and displays books that represent diversity throughout the year to our students. 

Supplemental Reading

A cover photo of the book "Let's Talk About Race" with a variety of people saying the title.

Each grade level intentionally selects books to teach students about social acceptance of all types of people.



Positivity Project

A positive message encouraging the reader to keep moving forward.

Positivity Project educates students about who we are, not what we are.  It demonstrates to students that character is more important than their fame, wealth, or achievement, and transforms their mindsets to think about others.  It provides them with tools such as identifying and appreciating the good in others, knowing that words and actions affect others, supporting others when they are struggling, being present and giving others attention when in need, cheering their successes, and other people matter.  The curriculum provides inclusive videos, quotes, and influencers that represent multiple cultures.

Acceptance and Understanding of All

Red Bank believes in developing a campus that promotes diversity, inclusion, and positivity throughout campus. We believe in acceptance and understanding for all students.


Positivity Project
Bobcats focus on character strength weekly through classroom lessons and dialogue on campus throughout the day.
Through the Positivity Project, we will teach Bobcats about the character strengths that everyone possesses. The goal is that they will see people based on the content of their character. This ability will enhance their self-awareness and self-confidence, understanding and appreciation of others, and interpersonal relationships – which will positively influence our youth (individually and collectively) across their lifespans.


A logo with green shield and white cross.         Children in colorful shirts stand together on a field and smile at the camera.    



#Other People Matter Mix-It-Up Lunch
Human Relations Council (HRC)
Human Relations Council is a group of upper-grade students that meet with Principal Torres once a month to voice student perspectives on campus and develop student activities on campus to meet the goals of HRC.


Students smiling and posing together outside of a building.Human Relations Council Meeting

Our Red Bank Human Relations Council met in November and December with a commitment to develop a school culture of understanding and acceptance of ALL students.

Diverse Representation and Engagement of Parents on Committees

Diverse Representation and Engagement of Parents

Red Bank believes in developing a partnership with our parents to help develop our students. Our parents are a critical resouce on our campus and the students enjoy seeing their parents serve on various committees.


Various students and adults standing in solidarity under the Positivity Project booth. 

 Bobcats were thrilled to see 3 dads volunteer to take positive notes from kids and organize them by classroom. The notes were later delivered to each teacher so they can share with their students.  


Moms and children smiling at the camera next to an artistically designed table.

Red Bank moms stand proud next to a table that showcased the Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos). Music was played after school as parents walked by and stopped to learn more about the Day of the Dead.